

Day 21 of the lockdown has suddenly arrived
Cyril and his wise advisors have now contrived
to extend our confinement for a further time
leaving home, going to work, remains a crime.

It occurs to me that I am often beguiled
as when the garbage men arrived, and again they smiled
merrily chatting, collecting our discarded waste
an occupation with odours, done without distaste.

I am beguiled when I observe old friends showing care
to those less fortunate, living with hunger and despair
kind deeds performed without seeking recognition
for us who do less, it’s a time for contrition.

I am beguiled when I speak to old friends who went away
as I was far too busy to give them the time of day
we were chasing the buck and missed the obvious fact
that old friends, and family, keep our lives intact.

I am beguiled when a lost friend calls to tell me that
he has missed me and feels the need to chat
we admonish ourselves for what we have lost
being too busy to call has come at a cost.

I am beguiled that the lockdown, and all its demands,
has caused much thought, and now commands
that we reflect on our lives, and what we hold dear
introspection is needed, that much is clear.

So, indeed, I am beguiled,
my old mum read these thoughts, and she smiled
“you are on the right track, and entering a space
where one day your life may be filled with grace”.

So thank you for reading my ponderous thoughts
yesterday I felt sad, and out of sorts
Today I feel good and a whole lot stronger
So sorry for making my poem a bit longer!

A grateful guest

A grateful Seolo guest is a mother from Portugal, a family man from Iceland or an adventure-seeking traveller from the depths of the Australian outback. Every guest is valued for their trust and praise placed on Seolo Africa and their shared passion for our beautiful lodges. If you want to share your unique, memorable or humorous Seolo story with us, please feel free to email us.