Seolo Africa


Sorta Mulhovo bustles into the office to be interviewed for this story with a broad smile on her face and a good story to tell about the start of her day. Well, two good stories....


Determination is an asset which Vusi Luphoko, a guide at Rhino Post, has turned to many times in his life. It has helped him negotiate tough times and he doesn’t intend slacking off now because...

In 2019 approximately 1 million people from all over the world made a pilgrimage to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. The majority of them seriously regret spending only 2 nights and will be making the journey...

Two years, seven months, eighteen days and nine hours after leaving our precious lives in the Kruger National Park to try to carve out a place for ourselves in town, we found ourselves heading back....

Two years, seven months, eighteen days and nine hours after leaving our precious lives in the Kruger National Park to try to carve out a place for ourselves in town, we found ourselves heading back....

Take a trip with us to Rhino Post Safari Lodge through the experience of James Kerr. James is 11 years old and a very keen birder, photographer and wildlife enthusiast. James and his family recently...

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